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Author name: Michael Baker


Mid-Quarter Market Commentary

While the Fed and the market are fairly aligned in their expectations, fixed income markets are likely to remain somewhat volatile while the fiscal impacts of the new administration’s policies become clearer.  However, higher yields insulate bond investors from interest rate risk and elevated equity valuations make bonds more attractive on a relative basis. Given the level of concentration within US equity markets, we believe that international, value and small-cap equities provide a critical element of diversification.  We advocate building portfolios to achieve your long-term goals as opposed to trying to react to the latest headlines.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor to schedule time to discuss your financial plan, including your goals and planning assumptions. 


Debunking Investing Myths

Every investor has heard at least one “rule of thumb” that sounds too simple—or too ominous—to be true. Some of these “tried and tested” maxims come from decades of market folklore; others are simply repeated so often they start to feel like fact. In this post, we’ll debunk six common investing myths using historical data and a long-term perspective.


Maximizing Your Cleveland Clinic Retirement Benefits: What You Need to Know

Working at Cleveland Clinic comes with a variety of financial perks—chief among them are the retirement plans that can help you build long-term wealth. Understanding how to leverage each plan fully can feel overwhelming. Below, we break down the key features of the 401(a), 403(b), and 457(b) plans, plus the Equity Accumulation (EA) program. We’ll also explain how to implement a “mega backdoor Roth” strategy within the 403(b), so you can take your retirement savings to the next level.


Q1 2025 Market Commentary

Historically, attempting to time markets and chase the latest winners has proven to be a poor investment strategy.  While some investors can be captivated by recent return trends, it’s critical to understand how your investments are working together to achieve your financial goals.  Constructing an investment allocation that fits with your unique financial plan reduces the temptation to chase shiny objects. 


Fueling the Pursuit of a Life Well Lived

From my experience working with wealth management clients, I’ve noticed a common thread among those who find real fulfillment in their financial success. They view money not as the end goal but as a vehicle—a means to pursue what matters most. It’s the foundation that lets them start a foundation, create lasting memories with loved ones, or explore new interests without constraints.