With over 20 years of administrative experience, Jackie supports clients and advisors and thrives at being a solutions provider. She lives in North Olmsted with her daughter and enjoys spending time with family and friends and attending community and sporting events.
Cleveland State University
Bachelor of Arts, Operations Management and Business Statistics
Recreational Youth Volleyball and Softball Coach
Susan G. Komen 3-Day

Dave Lightner
Founder, FSM Wealth

T.J. Gliha
President & CEO

Lauren MacLaren
Senior Vice President, Family Wealth

Pete Franz
Chief Investment Officer

Anthony Gargano
Senior Vice President, Operations

David Olson
Senior Vice President, Wealth Management

Adam Bruderly
Senior Vice President, Head of Learning & Development

Michael Baker
Vice President, Wealth Management

Dan Romic
Director, Wealth Management

Bryan Costin
Vice President, Wealth Management

Amy White
Vice President, Client Service

Jim Myers
Director, Wealth Management

Jack LaLiberte
Director, Investments

Amber Moran
Manager, Client Accounting

Nick Paterniti
Manager, Wealth Management

Jill Warfel
Manager, Client Service

Karen Ksiezyk
Senior Associate, Client Accounting

Barb Spehar
Senior Associate, Client Service

Charlie Hruby
Associate, Wealth Management

Mitchell Knotek
Associate, Wealth Management