Insights Blog
It’s Just 7,905 Miles to My Closest Friends
Jun 19, 2023 // Adam Bruderly
Before the pandemic struck, I was accustomed to maintaining friendships through shared experiences and face-to-face interactions. Like many of us, when you asked someone to catch up that usually involved getting together in person. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic drastically altered those perspectives. Social distancing measures made in-person meet-ups impossible, necessitating a shift on how those connections occurred. It was through this transition, predominantly text messaging, that I realized how I had been missing out on some of my most rewarding friendships.
Texting became my lifeline, a crucial tool to re-embrace friendships during an unprecedented time in our lives. The joy of receiving a simple “How are you?”, an amusing gif or emoji, or fun story proved to be surprisingly uplifting. It revealed to me that, as much as in-person interactions are crucial, the warmth and connection can be equally conveyed through words on a screen. Friendships could deepen through text conversations, providing comfort, solace, and a sense of normalcy amid the pandemic. As I relied more heavily on texting for communication, my preconceived notions about digital interactions changed. I came to appreciate the flexibility and immediacy it offered, allowing me to stay connected and share experiences with friends, no matter the distance. As challenging as those times were, I came out of them with deeper friendships than ever before.
Fueling the Pursuit of a Life Well Lived
From my experience working with wealth management clients, I’ve noticed a common thread among those who find real fulfillment in their financial success. They view money not as the end goal but as a vehicle—a means to pursue what matters most. It’s the foundation that lets them start a foundation, create lasting memories with loved ones, or explore new interests without constraints.
What is Wealth?
According to Investopedia “wealth is measured by taking the value of all the assets of worth owned by a person. This is determined by taking the total market value of all physical and intangible assets owned, then subtracting all debts. Essentially, wealth is the accumulation of scarce resources.”
How Many Summers?
After my first son was born, I began to think about what the next phase of our lives looked like. We went from two busy professionals who could hop on a plane for a weekend trip, grab dinner, or chase endless weekend adventures to first time parents. We were 2,000 miles away from family trying to plan the one or two trips a year that we could see them which led me to ask this question, how many summers do we have left?